Street Car #9
For today, a list..
- I am alone, but doin' alright
- What, I was supposed to know who was in that picture?
- The best thing was his spacers? He is happy about braces.
- Paragraph #9, how I love thee paragraph #9
- At the end of the day odes will be written about paragraph #9
- I am so happy, I am Paragraph #9 happy
- I am sorry, but I thought you said....
- I can't stop the smile on my face, because I am happy in this place, smile on my friends
- We think he might have giggled just a bit
- Freak, what is it winter? I am FREEZING
- I would like to point out that a 9 is just an upside down 6, just sayin'....
- Knitting makes everything better
yes, the number 9 is a good number!