Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Ants go Marching

When I worked in marketing, many moons ago, my philosophy was to under promise and over deliver.  It would seem today, many products over promise and under deliver.  Imagine, the pizza place says your pizza will be there in 45 minutes and shows up in 20, how happy are you.  Yet, if that same place promises 15 minutes and shows up in 20, you are livid.

We have had a small problem with ants this year.  No matter how many times Terminix sprays my house, they keep on coming.  Both Terminix and the ants.  We have had so many nests in the house, that I am sure that Terminix has been helping, but they can not seem to get them all.  It is like rival gangs, once we kill one nest, another one takes over.

I was tired of having my house polluted with all the chemicals.  We are going to be dead, but the ants will survive.  I heard from a couple of people about Terro ant traps.  They are all natural, and work like a champ.  They are the most expensive traps on the market, Raid traps are $3 and Terro traps are $6.  So the are twice the brand name option.  But, $3 dollars, it really is not a huge risk.

I had planned to do a day by day pictorial blog post about the traps.  The first day, show the ant super highway between the wall and the trap.  The next day how it was still there, but dwindling, etc.  Only, the ant super highway only lasted 12 hours.  By the next morning the ants were gone, and we haven't seen them since.

We thought they were sleeping off their hangovers and would be back for more, but so far, so good.  We have not seen one.  These traps are absolutely the best things in the entire world.  Nothing else has worked so well.  I will keep you posted on how long they work, but hopefully, for ever!

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