Saturday, September 5, 2009

In a Fog

I woke this morning to see a gray haze outside my window.  It was hard to make out the house across the street.  The very first thought that went through my mind, was FIRE, it was smoke.  Then, the more rational, but less awake part of my mind says, "Yo, dumb ass, if it was fire and there was that much smoke, think it might smell?"

Good point, so it is fog.  Fog in Illinois.  When I went to get the paper, I expected to smell the salt in the air.  Fog smells like ocean.  It makes the electrical wires crackle, it means that what ever fire is burning where ever will slow dramatically.  It means that planes won't take off from the airport.  It means June.  When it happens in September, it means that it won't be so hot today.

Yet, it hasn't been hot here.  It doesn't smell like ocean, because that stupid lake is NOT an ocean, it is NOT even a reasonable ocean substitute.  There are no electrical wires above ground to make that crackle sound.  I doubt OHare will be impacted and it isn't June.  This was some random unprecedented fog.  I have lived here for a little over a year, and never seen fog.

All of this was making me very nostalgic for home.  A friend of mine is going to the 'hood on vacation and has been asking me for advice about where to stay, what to do, where to eat, etc.  I have been missing my hometown very much.  I guess the fog was a little piece of home.

When I got in after getting the paper, Sam asked me what to do in an earthquake.  Maybe I am living in some sort of parallel universe?  Maybe this is now Chicago, California.

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