Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Random Thoughts on a Wednesday


2. Overheard: Mac: "Sam, you are so lucky." Sam: "Yeah, don't you want to be me?"

3. The above quote was in reference to the Pokemon cards that Sam got from Mac.

4. The boys have been playing Pokemon for an hour without fighting.

5. I may not get Pokemon, I may think it is the stupidest thing in the entire world, but I love that the boys can play for an hour without fighting. All hail Pokemon.

6. Special Agent Oso, the unique stuffed bear.... enough said.

7. When it is too hot, I complain, when it is too cold I complain. I guess I won't complain about the weather anymore.

8. Today is going to be the coldest day in 75 years.

9. What do you make with size 17 needles??

10. What weight yarn do you use with size 17 needles? Something like bulky held 4xs???

11. Why does the Garmin send you to a destination one way and home another? Can't it just turn around?

12. Free cheese is the best thing ever.

13. I want to go on a date with this hugely cute guy. He is 6 feet tall, slightly balding, with brown eyes, and a nice laugh.

14. Knitting makes everything better.

A knitters dozen of thoughts.

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