Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mow the Lawn Yourself

Ok, I will start by saying the husband and I are DIY type of people. We are cheap, to some extent and to another, we like to do things right. To that end, we have never had a lawn service. Bob mowed lawns as a kid, and still isn't ready to give that up, so I doubt we will ever have a lawn service.

Everyone else in our neighborhood has a lawn service. The thing I don't understand is why it is a good idea to have the lawn service come at 7:30 AM on a Saturday. Maybe I could reconcile a week-day with that time... marginally, but a Saturday????? I don't freakin' think so.

This is a new lawn service our neighbors are using, they parked under MY window, tramped through MY yard, and generally disturbed MY household. The really need to not start by mowing MY grass!

Now, we like our neighbors, and would like to maintain a friendly relationship with them. Their kids like our kids, and vice versa, so, I don't think I will say anything but it is so annoying. I wonder why they do it so early in the morning? What is wrong with 9:00?? Heck 3:30 is a lovely time too.

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