Sunday, May 16, 2010

Three Weeks

So, I took a little peaky-poo at the calendar.  You know, to think about my up-coming week, maybe even do a little long range planning.  I glanced at the lunch menu for school to see how many lunches I have to make next week so I can ensure enough bread in the house.  Nothing crazy, just usual stuff....

Then like a ton of library books it hit me, the kids have 3 weeks of school left.  3 weeks is not enough time to clean out all the closets, write my novel, calm my nerves and generally prepare for the onslaught of free range beasts.  Upon further inspection, of the planner of doom, I notice that Hannah has 2 days of school left.  Count 'em, 1 and 2, and out the door. 

So much for knitting lovely teacher gifts.  Which is really ok, because the holiday hat I knit for Mac's teacher went completely unacknowledged and I hate Sam's teacher.  I think I could do a whole post on teacher gifts, but to sum it up, I am over it.  So this year, NO gifts for you.

Today I load the van up for the final trip to religious school.  Next week will be the end of "presk" and in three short weeks we go to California and welcome summer.  It has happened.  Summer is coming.  Yes, I am thrilled to wear flip flops and hide my winter coat and boots, BUT, I am not ready to go into full time kid wrangling mode.  I am not properly medicated.

1 comment:

  1. you're working on a novel?!?
    is hannah starting kindergarten in the fall? we have one more year before that happens, thanks to deadlines. my little guy gets to stay a "baby" a little longer. :)
    time really does fly. hang in there!
