What is something mommy always says to you? Clean your room.
What makes mommy happy? When you don't yell at her.
What makes mommy sad? When you aren't nice.
How does mommy make you laugh? When you are with Kendall
What was your mommy like as a child? I don't know
How old is mommy? 30
How tall is mommy? I have no idea
What is mommy’s favorite thing to watch on TV? Survivor
What does mommy do when you’re not around? Go buy yarn
What is mommy really good at? Gaga
What is mommy not very good at? Gaga (not sure how these two answers are different.)
What does mommy do for her job? Nothing
What is mommy’s favorite food? Pizza
What makes you proud of mommy? When you make really good food.
If mommy were a cartoon, who would she be? Supermom
What do you and mommy do together? Go out.
How are you and mommy the same? We both love each other
How are you and mommy different? You go in the car more.
How do you know mommy loves you? You always give me kisses
What does mommy like most about daddy? Daddy goes to work.
Where is mommy’s favorite place to go? Baja Fresh
Even cuter! I can't wait to see what your 4 year-old has to say. :)