Wednesday, February 16, 2011


At 2:30 am this morning, Hannah came tearing into my room.  She was hysterical.  Screaming, crying and carring on.  It was frightening to be awoken in the middle of the night by a child who was freaking out.  It turned out that she was worried that the dog was going to eat the rest of her Valentines Day cookie that was left on the table.  I reassured her that I put it in a baggie on top of the microwave and that the dog, unless she grew wings and could fly, could not get it.

Finally calmed down, she trundled back towards her room and went back to sleep.  Of course the surge of adrenline that event filled me with did not allow me to relax.  I was wired after dealing with the hysterical pre-schooler.  Since I am home alone, I turned the television on.  I recognize that television is not really relaxing, but it was better than tossing and turning.

I watched a woman discuss surviving personal crisis.  She showed an interesting graphic, it showed that about a third of all people who suffer personal crisis, be it job loss, divorce, death, illness, etc, are broken after that happens.  For what ever reason, they are never able to recover from the event.  They are bitter and angry about it long after it is over.  She said that the anger fills the void that the event created in their lives and they don't want to let it go.  We all know someone who is still angry about a personal crisis in their lives.

There is another third that deal with it, move on and are essentially unchanged.  Then the final third are triumphant survivors.  The event changes them in some way, and they become more positive and powerful.  In a way it makes them happier and better people.  They seem to appreciate life more and live more fully.

The thing that struck me when she told the stories about the people she catagorized as triumphant surivivors, was that they all spent some time in the category of broken.  So, just because someone is broken today, the do not have to choose to be broken forever.  They can choose to be triumphant survivors.

She lists a lot of traits that these triumphant survivors have.  It is an interesting concept.  If you have a minute, check out the website.  The link won't bring you back here, but that is ok, because I am done.  Ann Kaiser Stearns 

1 comment:

  1. that's interesting that you found this speaker all because you couldn't sleep due to a minor child crisis. (my younger son has woken us up in the middle of the night because his pillow fell off his bed, so i know the feeling.) maybe it's a sign that you were given to reach out to others.
