Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No more buffer

Every where I go, people out to know, not to blaspheme.  I take use of word like, fall, autumn, that other word I can't bring myself to say or even type, you know wons, very seriously. 

Such as the other day when I walked into the house, on a day cool enough to keep the windows open, finally, and my loving spouse assaults me with the following statement:  "It feels like fall."  I don't have anything against fall per say.  I rather like fall.  The issue I have with fall is that it is a heart beat away from that other season.  Fall is my buffer season.  As long as it isn't fall, that other season, is still a season away.

While walking with Hannah the other day, we were by the water retention pond.  I have been known to break up the monotony of our daily lives in say January, to take the kids to this area to ride on sleds.  Hannah stops, look at the area, points to the hill and says, "When it snows Mommy, can you take us sledding?"    This kid said the word.  Out in public.  Is there no decency left in the world?

Even worse, one reads a blog post such as this one in of the blogs I follow....  I should have been a stripper.  The link won't bring you back, but that is ok, because I am done here.  I am off to negotiate with that other season and see if we can have another summer.

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