Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mice are partying

For all except the last 2 years, my husband has traveled, almost weekly.  In the beginning he didn't travel as much as he did before he left the "traveling jobs."  For 8 years he traveled.  A person gets used to that.

Now, he has a good job, works from home most days and rarely leaves the state.  This is great for the kids, they get to see their Dad every night.  He is coaching soccer, going to back to school nights and helping out around the house.  So, I preface the next part of this post with, it is a good thing for everyone that he is home more.

That said, give a girl a chance to freakin' miss you already.  I was so used to only seeing him on weekends that this new and improved togetherness, is well a bit much at time. So it is with GLEE that I bid him adieu for the rest of the week.  He will be home Sunday for Religious School, but not a second before.  This is 4 glorious nights in the bed by myself.

I get to decide what to watch and when to watch it.  I can watch tv in bed.  Oh, the luxuriousness of it all.  It is a bit like a spa vacation.

I don't have to make sure that the house is moderately clean or dinner is cooked.  The kids don't care if we have cereal for dinner.  They are happy with sandwiches.  We get to eat out at our favorite place that Bob doesn't like. 

We all remember, mostly the good parts, of him being gone all the time.  So, when he leaves we bask in the joy of him being gone. 

That said, it is hard to do it all by myself, and the amount of travel that he used to do was exhausting for everyone.  I am not really wishing he traveled everyday like he used to, but we do like it when it happens occasionally.  Even just a bit more than now. 

So, while the cat's away, the mice are going to tear it up a bit.  If you are in the 'hood stop on by for the fiesta mas grande!

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