Saturday, January 15, 2011


I spend a lot of time in the car.  Driving from one activity to the next.  I spend a good deal of that time on my phone, trying to keep up with the phone calls.  But somedays, I just talk to the kids or sing with the radio.

On this particular morning, I was in a radio mood.  As I am listening an ad comes on.  It talks about being part of covert operations and serving ones country without anyone knowing about it.  It was a really strange ad.  At the end, they say they are looking for CIA agents. 

Last time I read the paper, the economy was in the crapper.  Dudes with PhD's were taking jobs at McDonalds so they could try and pay some of the bills.  The CIA is advertising for employees on the radio?  Is it that hard to fill the positions that it is time to resort to the radio? 

The requirements were minimal.  Ability to travel, attain a security clearance and pass a medical exam seemed to be the only qualifications that were necessary to be employed.  No mention of prior experience with fire arms, police training, knowledge of languages, nothing.  Training is provided. 

I am left with so many questions, not the least of which is when did it get so hard, especially in this craptastic economy, for the CIA to find people?  Did the CIA suddenly stop being cool?  I guess we need another Bourne movie.

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